30 Best Sunday memes Quotes

This meme brings up a great point. The key to Sunday Funday is to start super early so you are in bed by 8pm. The funniest and most relatable Sunday memes that are too funny to ignore! Enjoy these funny sunday memes and get ready for a new week!

Best Sunday memes Quotes

  • Why do they call it… Sunday fun day..? I mean, what’s so fun about realizing that tomorrow is Monday?
  • I think Sunday should be 48 hours instead of the usual 24, so we have more time to prepare for Monday.
  • I’m not ready for Monday! Can have another Sunday? My quotes diary
  • God bless sending out love and blessing for a happy Sunday.
  • Happy Sunday! Be it’s dutiful a day to be alive]
  • Imgflip.com “You know what Sunday is, it’s a day with a lot of potential for naps.” Polly Horvath
  • Shhhhh… I’m busy doing Sunday av
  • Abbbbbbbbb… Sometimes you have to chill out for a bit happy sunday spire-positive soul sensations
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Good morning Sunday it’s time to get your semi control I think Sunday should be 48 hours instead of the usual 24, so we have more time to prepare for Monday.

How I feel every Sunday night… You all got any more of that weekend

Sunday” khatam hora hai bhai koi roklo..!! Honey

“Sunday. The day… I planned a lot, but did nothing.” – Lovely goyal

My Sunday plan: I’ll sleep until I’m hungry and then eat until I’m single

My Sunday mornings are like…

The day I hate the most is Monday it is when Sunday is almost over *

“A girl and her bed on Sundays are an endless love affair.

Enjoy your Sunday! The weekend is almost behind us!

Sundays should come with a pause button

A Sunday well spent brings a week of content

Happy Sunday, waking up before 7 a.m. should be illegal seriously! Good morning.

Today is Sunday. Please conduct yourselves accordingly. Sleep in, sip tea, lay around in your PJs, listen to good music, and take an afternoon nap.

Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care, and celebrate. -Amit ray

Good morning and happy Sunday everyone. Funny thoughts and jokes it’s the last day of the weekend, so let’s make sure it’s a great one!

Smonday is the moment when Sunday stops feeling like a Sunday and the anxiety of Monday kicks in.

How I feel every Sunday night… You all got any more of that weekend via

Happy Sunday good morning my wonderful friends! May your day begin with a smile, love in your heart, and happiness within your soul.

Don’t forget Sunday is a day of rest. The rest of the laundry the rest of the housework and the rest of all the other stuff we can’t be bothered to do on a Saturday. So, have fun!

Why do they call it? Sunday funday I mean, what’s so fun about realizing that tomorrow is Monday?

Happy Sunday morning


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