75 Good Morning Quotes, Best Wishes, Messages & Greetings

Good Morning Quotes. “Good Morning!!! This is not just a greeting. It signifies a hope that the beautiful morning will bring a smile on your face and happiness in your life.” this collection of the best good morning quotes and images.

Good morning quotes about life. Smile in the mirror. Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. Wake up your friend with these Good Morning wishes, messages, and GIFs Images. Make special every morning with good morning quotes pictures, photos & images? Explorepic’s pictures can be used on social media.

Everyday send good morning is not easy but this collection gives your free time. Did we collect the best good morning texts for her? Start your day the right way, with positive thinking and a good attitude. Read some of the best good morning quotes to my love sayings and good morning quotes coffee on explorepic.com. Be it a girl or guy everyone has deserve, In the morning.

35 Best Good Morning Quotes Wishes Messages Greetings images

Good Morning Quotes

Good morning sayings and good morning quotes. “Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.” Morning Quotes.

1. “Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I’m not there, I go to work” ~ Robert Orben

2. “You are my sun on a gloomy day, like a lighthouse in a stormy sea. Thanks for all your care for me, good morning my love, time to get up.”

3. “The Sun is up, the sky is blue, it’s beautiful, and so are you. Good Morning!”

4. “Every morning reminds me of how lucky I am to have someone as special as you. Good morning.”

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best good morning quotes with pictures to share

5. “My phone is in my hands, but I would rather be holding you. Good Morning!”

6. “It is never too late to be what you might have been. Today is the day to be. Good Morning !”

7. “Wishing a good morning to the person who is the reason why I feel like waking up everyday. I love you.”

8. “If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don’t be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning ‘Good morning’ at total strangers” ~ Maya Angelou

9. “Good morning my love you’re all my heart ever talks about.”

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10. “As I open my eyes to see this wonderful sunshine, it gives me the warmth of your love. Good morning, sweetheart!”

11. “If you get up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not.”

12. “Your cute smile is what makes waking up worth every day. Good Morning !!”

13. “Start your day with a smile because you are lucky to have seen a new day. Good Morning Greetings !!!”

14. “Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not” ~ Christy Chung

15. “Every day, do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” ~ Doug Firebough

16. “You have replaced my nightmares with dreams, my worries with happiness and my fears with love. Good Morning!”

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good morning quotes quotes about morning

17. “Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for.” Good morning Sweetheart !!!

18. “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

19. “I don’t need paradise because I found you…I don’t need dreams because I already have you. Good Morning!!”

20. “Every morning my love for you keeps growing. You are my dream come true. Good morning dear.”

21. “Good morning !!! Don’t start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every morning we wake up is the first day of the rest of our life”

22. “Being with you makes me feel that I can overcome any obstacle coming in my life. Good Morning my love!!”

23. “Every successful person has a painful story; every painful story has a successful ending; so accept the pain and get ready for success“

24. “It may rain today, but who cares? I am with my sunshine anyway. Good morning my sunshine! I hope I made you smile.”

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good morning quotes sayings messages

25. “A Bad Attitude is like a flat tire. You cannot reach anywhere until you change it. Good Morning.”

26. “Every morning you have two choices: Continue to sleep with your dreams, or wake up and chase them” ~ Carmelo Anthony

27. “Good morning to the sweetest guy a girl could ask for. You are the light of my life, and you fill my heart with happiness.”

28. “The glow you bring to my life is more radiant than a thousand sunrises put together a good morning.”

29. “Good Morning!!! This is not just a greeting. It signifies a hope that the beautiful morning will bring a smile on your face and happiness in your life.“

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good morning sayings and good morning quotes

30. “I love that this morning’s sunrise does not define itself by last night’s sunset. Good Morning!”

31. “Why does the morning have to start so soon? I need more time to dream about the guy who gives me weak knees every single day.”

32. “Time is valuable. Cherish every moment and use it wisely by doing something productive. Good Morning!”

33. “I like my coffee black and my mornings bright. Good Morning”

34. “Every morning I wake up, I realize that you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Have a great day Good Morning.”

35. “Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Let this morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. It’s an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think and love. Be grateful for this beautiful day” ~ Norton Juster

36. “Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.”

37. “Not all wounds are so obvious. Enter gently into the lives of other people. Good Morning!!!”

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38. “Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to be able to look at someone and smile for no reason.”

39. “Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most “

40. “Good morning! Remember: A person can succeed at almost anything for which they have unlimited enthusiasm” ~ Charles M. Schwab

41. “Your morning coffee will be made perfect, with a teaspoon of my love and a pinch of my hugs. Good Morning!”

42. “When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love” ~ Marcus Aurelius

Best Good Morning Messages And Wishes

Good morning quotes for her. “The best feeling in the world is to know that you are mine and I am yours. Every morning that is enough for me to have a good day.” Morning Quotes.  Looking for Good Morning Quotes, SMS Messages & Greetings Images? We have compiled the best Good Morning messages and wishes, pictures, WhatsApp Messages for you to send to your loved ones!

“1. Good morning there is only one person responsible for the quality of your life. That person is you.”

“2. Power & Money are fruits of life! But family & friends are roots of life! We can manage without fruits but can never stand without “roots” good morning have a great day.”

“3. Perhaps give someone the gift of listening today. Not judging, not trying to solve all of their problems, just sincere listening. Allow them to be heard and understood. It’s a form of love.”

“4. May your day be filled with good thoughts, kind people, and happy moments.”

35 good morning quotes inspirational quotes for the morning

“5. God planted a seed of faith in our hearts. So all we have to do is water it with prayers. Fertilize it with word’s of good and cultivate it with lots of love. Good morning!”

“6. Never misuse the one who likes you never say busy to the one who needs you never cheat the one who really trust you. Never forget the one who always remember you. Good Morning.”

“7. Good morning faith makes everything possible.Hope makes everything work. Love makes everything beautiful. May you have all the three as you begin each day.”

“8. Good morning there’s no storm that god won’t carry you through. No bridge that god won’t help you cross. No battle that god won’t help you win. No heartache that god won’t help you let go of. He is so much bigger than anything you will face today. Leave everything in his hands and embrace this day confidently knowing that he will take care of you.”

“9. Good morning! Believe, even when it seems like things aren’t going in your favor. Don’t let what appears to be happening shake your faith. Feed your vision with hope and positive energy. Keep telling yourself that things are going to work out for you even if you don’t know how right now. Have a beautiful day!”

“10. Let everyday count. Good morning to you. Have a fantastic day ahead of you.”

“11. Good morning! Life is a fingerprint that can not be duplicated. So make the best impression with it – live it, love it & don’t waste a single moment in your life because time has no holiday, dreams have no expiry date and life has no pause button. Have a blessed day!”

“12. Good morning “the best feeling of happiness is when you’re happy because you’ve made someone else happy.””

“13. Insecure people try to make you feel smaller. Confident people love to see you walk taller. Good morning.”

“14. It doesn’t really matter who you used to be, what matters is who you’ve become. Good morning.”

“15. You can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it. Good morning.”

35 good morning quotes for her

“16. Good morning enjoy the overflowing blessing of god’s grace in your life. Have a wonderful day.”

“17. “truth” is like a surgery, it hurts, but it cures…! “Lie” is like a pain killer, it gives relief immediately, but it gives side effects later…! Good morning.”

“18. Wishing you a lovely morning.”

“19. Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. Good morning…”

“20. Maturing is realizing how many things don’t require your comment. Good morning.”

“21. Good morning may his loving kindness bloom in your soul, may your heart rejoice in his love for you, may your heart be moved by his grace and mercy for you, may his holiness bring you to your knees my angel blessings.”

“22. Good morning! We are never too old to become better versons of ourselves.”

“23. Good morning. Most people dream of being in heaven but I’m so lucky to have heaven beside me and that heaven is you my love. Good morning pretty. ”

“24. People with purpose, goals, and visions have no time for drama. They invest their energy in creativity and focus on living a positive life. Good morning.”

“25. Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than when you woke up.”

35 Best Good Morning Quotes Wishes Messages Greetings

“26. Good morning! Do good and good will come back to you.”

27. Good morning beautiful”

“28. The sun lights up the day. But you light up my life good morning sweetheart!”

29. Quotes about the morning inspirational “Never announce your moves before you make them.”

30. Quotes for good morning love “Ever since I met you, you’ve been on my mind. I can’t stop thinking about you. You are indeed special.”

“31. Good morning do what makes you “happy” be with those who make you “smile””

“32. Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important. Capture the good times develop from the negatives & if things don’t want out… just take another shot.”

“33. Morning is a wonderful opportunity to wish to love to care to smile and to see you in a good mood.”

“34. Good morning love. Hey beautiful, I hope you wake up this morning feeling like a rose filled with beauty and I hope your day is as sweet as honey, you deserve more my love. ”

“35. Hello darling, be awesome today!”

Good Morning Quotes For Her/Him

1. “Good Morning. Let your soul expand, let your heart reach out to others in loving and generous warmth, and great and lasting will be your joy and prosperity will come to you.”

2. “Get up in the morning and look at the world in a way that takes nothing for granted. Everything is phenomenal; everything is incredible; never treat life casually. To be spiritual is to be amazed.”

3. “Even the smallest of thoughts have the potential to become the biggest of successes. All you have to do is get up and get going. Good Morning!”

4. “Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening.”

5. “What you do in the first couple of hours after you wake up in the morning is a firm indicator of not only the quality of the day you’re going to have but by extension, the quality of your entire life.”

6. “Every morning is a new beginning, a new blessing, a new hope. It’s a perfect day because it’s God’s gift. Have a blessed, hopeful, perfect day to begin with.”

7. “I get up every morning and it’s going to be a great day. You never know when it’s going to be over, so I refuse to have a bad day.”

8. “The dreams you had last night can only come to reality if you get up and work at achieving them today. So, don’t waste any more time, get out there, and do your best. Good Morning.”

9. “The beauty of the morning is wasted on those who sleep through it. Don’t be like them. Capture the day, make it your own. Get a head start on those who waste the beauty freely granted to them.”

10. “Make today ridiculously amazing. Good Morning!”

11. “Saying good morning is not just a greeting. It signifies a hope that the beautiful morning will bring a smile on your face and happiness in your life.”

12. “This morning will never ever come back in your life again. Get up and make the most of it. Good Morning!”

13. “A good morning text doesn’t only mean Good Morning. It has a silent message that says you think of them when you wake up.”

14. “One day you will wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now.”

15. “Good morning. The minute you think of giving up any relation, think of the reason why you held it so long. Have a nice day!”

16. “When I first open my eyes upon the morning meadows and look out upon the beautiful world, I thank God I am alive.”

17. “Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.”

18. “Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace. Good Morning.”

19. “Waking up this morning, I smile. brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment.”

20. “The sweetest moment in life comes not with the greetings you receive but with the thought that someone wishes the best for you. Good morning.”

21. “Today will be amazing so wake up and smile. Positivity is a choice that becomes a lifestyle. Good Morning.”

22. “When you do something beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.”

23. “A cup of joy, I’m sending your way, with blessings for a positive day! Good Morning!”

24. “The importance of good people in our life is just like the importance of heartbeats. It’s not visible but silently supports our life. Good Morning.”

25. “Each morning we are born again, and what we do today is what matters most. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Good Morning!”

26. “Being happy or sad, gloomy or excited, moody, or stable are options that are presented to you every morning. You just have to make the right choice. Have a nice day!”

27. “Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Let this morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. It’s an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think and love. Be grateful for this beautiful day.”

28. “The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. So think happy and positive. Good Morning!”

29. “This is not just another day, this is yet another chance to make your dreams come true. Good Morning!”

30. “Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen. Good Morning!”

31. “I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.”

Good Morning Images With Quotes

Looking for the best beautiful good morning quotes pictures, photos & images? explore pic’s pictures can be used on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and  blogs. Good morning love quotes with wishes for you.

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Today I choose life. Every day I feel is a blessing from God. Grief is never something you get over. When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. When you wake up each morning, you can choose to be happy or choose to be sad. Good Morning !!! Good Morning Quotes have the power and ability to change your thought process. An inspirational quote in the morning can charge you with positivity, cheerfulness and motivation for the rest of the day. By triggering positive thoughts right from the hour zero of the day; you can spread happiness and positivity among others also. Here is best curation of good morning messages and quotes which you can share with your friends, colleagues and family members. Start your day with Good Morning Quotes, and send to your loved ones.

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