31 National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh

21 National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh

National Quotes and messages. Top 31 National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh about funny sayings “I focused so hard on what I wanted that I lost sight of what I deserved. Before coffee, I’m a hot mess. After? I’m a wide-awake hot mess. So there’s that. Photo credits Pinterest

Best Funny Sayings

1. “Tomorrow is national ‘Slap your annoying coworker day’. If you’re not sure who that is I’d call in sick.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny

2. “Do Not look here.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny hilarious quotes

3. “Tomorrow is national ‘slap your annoying coworker day’ If you’re not sure who that is I’d call in sick.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #minions hilarious

4. “It’s all fun in games until someone gets hurt… Then it’s hilarious.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny hilarious

5. “Blah blah blah well, that about sums up my mood for today!”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny minions

A day without laughter is a day wasted.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny quotes

7. “All men should make coffee for their women… It says it right in the bible hebrews.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny inspirational

8. “MARCH 19, Let’s Laugh Day”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny laugh

9. “Lord, grant me the serenity to accept stupid people the way they are. Courage to maintain my self control and wisdom to know that if I act on it, I will go in jail.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny sayings about life

10. “Roses are red. Pizza sauce is too. I ordered a large and none of it’s for you.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny

11. “A woman ‘s anger is like a check engine light. There is no way to figure out why it came on. Just ignore it and hope it goes away.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #humor

Top Funny Quotes

12. “First person to complain It’s too hot this summer gets punched!!”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny quotes

13. “I hate when I go to a restaurant and they ask “Would you like a table?” “No, I want the floor”.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny minions sayings

14. “I don’t mind coming to work, but this eight hour wait to go home is just bullshit.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #best funny

15. “I’m not a smartass… I am a skilled, trained professional in pointing out the obvious and I speak fluent sarcasm.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny minions quotes

16. “Today’s forecast… Holy moly, I can’t feel my face degrees!”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny quotes

17. “call me boring but I don’t need to go out partying on a saturday night to have fun. staying home and watching movies is just fine with me.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny minions

18. “National Belly Laugh Day is Wednesday : Two same-named docs at Northwest Community Healt…”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny laugh

19. “I need a break from my own thoughts.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny thoughts

20. “LIFE TIP : When Nothing Goes Right, Go To Bed.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny love

21. “I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn’t.”

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National Laugh Day That Will Make You Laugh #funny sayings


national laughter day

national laughter day


national let's laugh day

national let’s laugh day


laugh of the day

laugh of the day

25. Laughter is timeless Imagination has no age Dreams are forever.

let's laugh day

let’s laugh day

26. Have you ever just sat and thought… Damn, I’ve been through a lot of shit…

national laugh day

national laugh day

27. Lord, please give me patience because if you give me strength I’ll need bail money too…

laughs for today

laughs for today

28. I need to get in shape. If I were murdered right now, my chalk outline would be a circle.

world laughter day

world laughter day

29. Each time a bird shits on my car, I eat a plate of scrambled eggs on my porch – just to show them what I am capable of.

national laughing day

national laughing day

30. I’m just a girl looking at a SALAD waiting for it to turn into a DONUT.

what is belly laugh day

what is belly laugh day

31. Laugh often, laugh loudly, and most important, laugh at yourself.

world laughter day

world laughter day

Laugh Day Quotes and Messages

“Shot my first turkey today… Scared the crap out of everyone in the frozen food section. It was awesome!” —Anonymous

“Now you understand why peter pan didn’t want to grow up.” —Anonymous

“I don’t judge people based on color, race, religion, sexuality, gender, ability, or size. I base it on whether or not they’re an asshole.” —Anonymous

“I hate when parents say, stop playing with your food. For the first 2 years, you made me think it was an airplane.” —Anonymous

“Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping.” —Bo Derek

“An optimist is someone who falls off the Empire State Building, and after 50 floors says, ‘So far so good!’” —Anonymous

“Always go to other people’s funerals; otherwise they won’t come to yours.” —Yogi Berra

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.” —Anonymous

God has no phone, but I talk to him. He has no Facebook, but he is still my friend. He does not have a Twitter, but I still follow him.” —Anonymous

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