Top 70 Brendon Burchard Motivational Quotes And Inspirational Life Sayings “Be strong and ready, for any moment the fog may clear and they will look upon you to lead.
“Your resolution for excellence is more important than your temporary struggles. Do your best and stay the course toward your dream.”
Top Brendon Burchard Quotes
“1. Only on the grounds of gratitude shall you stumble upon the palace of happiness.”
“2. Live in a spirit of constant appreciation.”
“3. Creative expression is the grand driver and amplifier of satisfaction in life.”
“4. A life of greater joy, power, and satisfaction awaits those who consciously design their life.”
“5. Never believe you are above or below anyone. Keep a humble spirit.”
“6. Finish this year forgiving someone, even if it’s yourself, then telling people, a lot of them, that you love them.”
“7. The symptoms of small-mindedness are gossip, offense, and drama. People on a path of purpose don’t have time for drama.”
“8. The only boundaries to success are our own boundaries of belief.”
“9. Give people the benefit of the doubt, you give yourself back a little soul. Be kind, we all struggle.”
“10. The more we are true to ourselves, the more we can connect with and contribute to the world.”
“11. This holiday season, don’t let your desire for control or gifts steal your opportunity for connection and gratitude.”
“12. Common sense is not always common practice, which is why so many potentially great people suffer.”
“13. Once you realize that criticism never ends, and negativity only comes from those uninformed or unneeded, you can peacefully get back to your art and contributions. If you know it is coming, you don’t have to let it hook you.”
“14. Walking the grounds of gratitude I stumbled upon the palace of happiness.”
“15. To the man that’s not sorry.. you don’t have to be. I gave myself the apology I deserved.”
“16. The journey to legend begins the moment our bias for comfort is overpowered by our drive for challenge and contribution.”
“17. Sometimes all people need is a little adventure. Step away from routine now and then and go on a journey. The fun and perspective might rattle something awake inside.”
“18. When everything looks hopeless, that’s the time to summon your faith and strength, to keep trying and ask for help.”
“19. Don’t speak poorly of others. You don’t need to minimize other people to maximize your own potential.”
“20. Let us not hope for mere chance to change our story; let us summon the courage to change it ourselves.”
“21. The journey to legend begins the moment our bias for ease and comfort is overpowered by our drive for challenge and contribution.”
“22. Younger mission to pretend to be strong. You need to give yourself some credit. Love yourself, take actions that spring from your deepest values and highest self. The strength will emerge from there. Give it time.”
“23. Sometimes you just have to accept what is and decide to move on with faith and strength.”
“24. You do not under mission or cheerleaders to change and start becoming more of who you really are.”
“25. If you obsess about your fears you become them in some way. Your character deserves better thinking.”
“26. Perhaps the world isn’t giving you what you want because based on all your distractions or lack of discipline it’s simply under what you are asking for.”
“27. When you meet people who strive to make a big difference in the world, it makes a big difference in who you become.”
“28. Love is always the final and most complete cure to our inner demons.”
“29. If you haven’t impressed yourself lately with how much you can learn and adapt and contribute, then it’s time to challenge yourself with bigger goals.”
“30. When doubt becomes a worthy opponent that activates you, rather than an oppressor that stops you, then destiny turns its ear and your dreams draw near.”
“31. There’s nothing wrong with quitting what’s not right and starting over. You’re wiser now, and you’ll figure things out.”
“32. People who love learning fearless.”
“33. Love is not truly valued unless it is demonstrated consistently, even in disagreement.”
“34. Let love make you dizzy. Don’t hold back. For in childish self – protection we block out the very thing we so desperately desire: connection.”
“35. Those bound by mediocrity will never approve of anything that breaks convention or smacks of boldness and magic. So there is no reason to seek permission. Let your heart and dreams tell you what is real and needed and possible.”
“36. When you feel restless for something more, pause to appreciate what you have first. Then overlook the short-term desire for simply ‘more’ and envision what’s next for you that will be truly enlivening and fulfilling.”
“37. No matter your position, circumstances, or opportunities in life, you always have the freedom of mind to choose how you experience, interpret, and ultimately shape your world.”
“38. Nothing has changed. Success is still a result of hunger, hard work, adaptation, and adding value.”
“39. Grant me the strength to focus this week, to be mindful and present, to serve with excellence, to be a force of love.”
“40. Grant me the strength to focus this week, to be mindful and present, to serve with excellence, to be a force of love.”
Motivational Quotes
“41. May you choose peace and forgiveness this day and remember that only gratitude will lift you to higher happiness.”
“42. If taking action toward our dreams before the perfect conditions arise, or before we receive permission is unreasonable or reckless, then we must be unreasonable and reckless.”
“43. Mindfulness feels like slowing down the scenes of life and setting them inside a golden frame of appreciation.”
“44. The first rule is to have vision for your life. The second is to believe in your ability to figure things out. The third is to have fun making your dreams happen no matter how hard it gets. The fourth is to be patient but always persistent. The fifth is to respect and love others, who are also playing this same game of life.”
“45. Don’t think you have to do just one thing with your life. You are creative, resilient, capable. Pursue your passions, have many missions, grow, enjoy this.”
“46. When you feel lonely, don’t play victim and wallow in it for long. Call someone, get out of the house, wander around town, chat up someone at the coffee shop. Loneliness is a cage, humanity the gate.”
“47. Peace of mind comes from knowing that this too shall pass and good progress comes from good habits.”
“48. If this week was a waste, be more focused and passionate next week. Your days mustn’t be tossed away so casually.”
“49. Sometimes the door closes for us so we might turn and see an open gate to a wider field of opportunity.”
“50. Throughout your lifetime, you’ve had tens of thousands of wins. Most of them you’ve barely noticed, and that’s a shame.”
“51. Your day is coming, your time is near, your dreams are closer than you know. Keep hope. One day at a time, my friend.”
“52. Sunday: Practice gratitude. Call family. Amplify love.”
“53. You got a little crazy and distracted for a while. That’s ok. Now come back to center. Re-align with your best self. Every day is a second chance.”
“54. Everything you have done you have already been rewarded for. Seek no more validation for yesterday.”
“55. When things get difficult, it’s important to slow down, get present, mindfully choose the next right action.”
“56. It is only inactive self-expression and pursuit of our own aims that we become free.”
Inspirational Life Sayings
“57. Those who feel like they are drowning in life often miss that they are being carried in a vast warm sea of light and will soon arrive safely to the shores of grace.”
“58. Be persistent. Your dreams are worth more than you know.”
“59. Through the pursuit of personal freedom, we discover our destiny; through fear, we look at our demise.”
“60. Let us stop being worriers and see hardship and struggle as a joyous part of the journey, a rite of passage to the life of our dreams.”
“61. We all hurt and suffer and want more joy and love. Forgetting this makes us feel alone and act unkind.”
“62. Believe in your ability to figure things out. Your greatest fears are often just unexplored concerns that you won’t be able to adapt, to learn, to carry on with strength and grace through the hardships of change. But you will. You always have. You’ve made it this far. Give yourself some credit and know you’ll figure out the second step but only if you take the first.”
“63. Carrying the torch of optimism into your social relationships is probably the best thing you could ever do to start feeling better about humanity. If you see people as smart, caring, interesting, and helpful, they tend ot show up that way.”
“64. In the bustle of the day, don’t forget to pause and give yourself credit once in a while.”
“65. Grant me the strength to focus this week, to be mindful and present, to serve with excellence, to be a force of love.”
“66. Be thankful for all that you have. Work hard for all that you desire. Stay present for life is short. Love others for that is why you are here.”
“67. Never limit your vision for your future based on your current circumstances or capabilities. You can change, learn, grow. No matter how small you start, start something that matters. Keep at it. Keep working believe.”
“68. No moment is magical unless we bring our attention to it and make it sweet with gratitude.”
“69. Never fear the internal restlessness that says, I am ready to make a greater difference.”
“70. The most crucial task is to forge more life into your day. This does not mean new to-dos; it means less. It means creating space to think, walk, eat, sleep, read, love, dream.”
Motivational Quotes And Inspirational Life
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