20 Inspirational Keep Going Quotes

Here are hundreds of motivational and inspirational quotes from various business people and public figures. Revisit them often to stay motivated!

20 Inspirational Keep Going Quotes

Keep going Motivation

Keep going Motivation

no matter what JUST
KEEP GOING your future
self will be proud

Short motivational quotes to keep going

Short motivational quotes to keep going

“Courage is not having
the strength to go
on; it is going
on when you don’t
have the strength.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Short inspirational quotes

Short inspirational quotes

“You just do it.
You force yourself to
get up. You force
yourself to put one
foot before the other,
and God damn it,
you refuse to let
it get to you.
You fight. You cry.
You curse. Then you
go about the business
of living. That’s how
I’ve done it. There’s
no other way.” –
Elizabeth Taylor

Strength to keep going quotes

Strength to keep going quotes

“Failure is a bend
in the road, not
the end of the
road. Learn from failure
and keep moving forward.”
– Roy T. Bennett

Positive moving forward quotes

Positive moving forward quotes

“Big shots are just
little shots who kept
on shooting.”

Powerful motivational quotes

Powerful motivational quotes

“When you have a
dream, you’ve got to
grab it and never
let go.”
– Carol Burnett

Motivational quotes to keep going at work

Motivational quotes to keep going at work

Keep Going:
-No matter how bad things
are right now.
-No matter how stuck you feel.
-No matter how many
days you’ve spent crying.
-No matter how many
days you’ve spent wishing
things were different.
-No matter how hopeless and
depressed you feel.
-I promise you won’t feel
this way forever.
-Keep going.

Quotes to keep you going through tough times

Quotes to keep you going through tough times

Happiness resides not in
possessions and not in
gold, the feeling of
happiness dwells in the
soul. Democritus


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